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Creating Customer Purchase Orders

Before you can create a sales order from a purchase order, you must capture the details of the customer purchase order by creating it manually using the Order Management UI.


Customer Purchase Orders can be created automatically through integration, as long as the Purchase Order data comes to Conga in a machine-readable format (for example, XML or JSON). For assistance with this procedure, contact Conga Professional Services.

To create a customer purchase order

  1. Navigate to the Customer Purchase Orders tab.
    The Customer Purchase Order page is displayed.
  2. Click New Purchase Order.
    The New Purchase Order page is displayed.
  3. Enter the following fields in the Order Basic section of the page: Previous Version, Account, Account Name, PO Date, Price List, and Price List Name. Enter the Quote Number/Proposal number associated with the Price Agreement. Enter any additional fields as required.
  4. Enter the following fields in the Order Customer section of the page: Bill To, Ship To, and Contact. Enter their corresponding reference fields to store the IDs. The Account Reference field is the record Id received from the external system.
  5. Add the Requested Delivery Date.
  6. Click Save & Add Products.
    The PO Number is autogenerated. The Status of the Customer Purchase Order is set to Draft.
  7. Once the purchase order is created, click Add/Edit Line Items to modify existing purchase order line items or add new line items to the customer purchase order. Click Save to save line items.

    You can Add/Edit Line Items only when the purchase order is in "Draft" or "In Amendment" status.