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Managing In-Flight Order Changes and Cancellation

An In-Flight Order is defined as any order that has been confirmed by the customer but has not yet reached fulfillment. In-Flight order changes can only be made to orders that are not automatically activated on the confirmation. The two most common scenarios for In-Flight order changes are as follows:

  • Amending an order: Amend an order when you need to add, cancel, or change order line items, change order quantities, pricings, and discounts, or modify order start/end date and/or change subscription dates. The previous version of the order is "Superseded" when the new order created by the amendment is accepted.
  • Cancelling an order: Cancelling an order cancels the In-Flight order and its line items. After accepting cancellation of the order, the previous version of the order is "Superseded" and the new version is created with the "Cancelled" status.

You can use the Undo Amend Order and Undo Cancel Order actions at any time before either is accepted to revert all changes.

  • In-Flight order changes and cancellation require you to enable certain Order System Properties. Refer to the Order Management for Administrators for steps.
  • When In-Flight Order Change is enabled, an asset is only created on activation of its corresponding order line item.