Auto Send Invoice Email
You can automatically email the approved invoices to a customer with the help of Auto Send Invoice Email option on the Invoice Runs Processing Options.
It is recommended to configure certain system properties before you proceed.
To enable PDF generation of invoices, please refer Pre-requisites for Invoice PDF.
For configurations related to the emails, batch sizes etc, take a look at the Billing System Properties.
Select Auto Approve Invoices, enter a threshold value and select Auto Send Invoice Email. As soon as the invoices are generated, Invoice Runs will send an email to your account contact along with the invoice attachments.
The Invoice template and Contacts can be configured at the Account level. Please see, Account Settings.
Similarly, you can automatically email Credit Memos by selecting the Auto Send Credit Memo Email option. Please refer Pre-requisites for sending Credit Memo Emails from the section Sending Credit Memo Email.