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Configuring and Activating your Community

Tip: Hint: Click an image on this page to enlarge the view.

To complete the process of enabling Self-Service Wizards as a Community, you need to complete Community configuration and activate the Community itself. Much of Community Management is left up to your organization–how you customize, which Dashboards and Reports you expose, how you brand your site, is all handled as part of Community Management.

Adding Tabs to Your Community

To allow users to choose from available Wizard designs and execute a runtime Wizard you must add the Wizards tab to your Community.

  1. Go to Setup > Customize > Communities > All Communities.
  2. Click Manage to manage your Community.
  3. Go to Administration > Tabs.
  4. Add the Wizards tab from the list of Available Tabs to Selected Tabs.

  5. Click Save.

Branding Your Community

Although not required, you can add branding to your Community, including making changes to the following:

  • Use HTML or image files to change the header and footer of your Community site.
  • Change the color scheme for your Community, including the header and page background.


Note that the branding offered in Community Management differs from branding added to Wizard designs when they are created. With the Wizard Designer, you can add branding to both the Wizard banner and individual Steps of your runtime Wizards. For more information on adding branding and logos to your Wizards, refer to Creating a New Wizard Design.

Activating Your Community

When you have completed configuration and are satisfied with customizations to your Community, you can Activate the Community to make it live, allowing your users to access Self-Service Wizards.

  1. Go to Administration > Settings.
  2. Click Activate Community to change the status of your Community from Preview to Active.

Your Self-Service Wizards Community is now ready for registered users!