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Configuring Custom Actions for Auto-Synch of Cart Lines

The Custom Actions feature has been enhanced to auto-synch cart lines with proposal lines and navigate to other pages. When Auto-synch is turned on, the system does validation for errors and auto-synchs the cart lines with the Proposal Lines. You can view the synched line items in the Quote/Proposal detail page under the Line Items related list. Auto-sync is done when following conditions are satisfied:

  • No error produced by validation callback
  • No Constraint Rules error
  • No line items in price pending state
  • No Must Configure product is in configuration pending state

To configure custom actions for auto-synch

  1. Click (All Tabs) and click Config Settings.
  2. Click Display Action Settings, and scroll down to add a custom action button.
  3. Type an Action Label Name, and from the Display As list, select Action.
  4. Select an Action Area, and in Action Style Class, specify a style class.
  5. In Action Page, type the name of the Visualforce page that appears when the action button is clicked.
  6. In Action Params, type autoSync=true.
  7. In Behavior, select an option of how you want the action page to open.

    The auto-synch custom actions should not have action type (Save, Quick Save, Generate) specification.

  8. To enable the custom Action button, select Is Enabled.
  9. To always display the custom Action button whether enabled or disabled, select Always Display.

A custom action is created with auto-synch capability.