Configuring Display Columns Settings
The Display Column Settings enable you to display only those key fields needed to quickly and easily configure your quote/proposal.
The Display Column Settings page provides a simple interface for selecting fields, making fields editable, applying styles, and reordering them.
To display different number type values as expected, you can add one of the following styles to cart line item fields:
aptCurrency |
This will prepend the appropriate currency symbol for the org's locale and retain two digits after the decimal place for the field value. You can change the number of digits using the Currency Field Precision in Config System Properties. |
aptPercentage |
This will retain two digits after the decimal place (if present) and append the percentage symbol to the field value. You can change the number of digits using the Percentage Field Precision in Config System Properties. |
aptQuantity |
This will retain two digits after the decimal place (if present). You can change the number of digits using the Quantity Field Precision in Config System Properties. |
The following style classes have to be applied in pair to the dynamically selected adjustment column and its value column. i.e., Adjustment Type and Adjustment Amount columns.
- aptAdjustmentType
- aptAdjustment
The formatting for the Adjustment Amount field will change dynamically based on the Adjustment Type. This is achieved by applying available style classes to the adjustment based on the value in the pick list of the adjustment type.
Note: For changes to the shopping cart beyond those described here, you would need to create custom pages of the Shopping Cart (CartView and CartFinalize Visualforce pages) and write your own Apex code to further control what fields are displayed and how the page is organized.
To customize a display column
The columns are displayed as configured in the Display Columns Settings.