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Configuring Display Columns Settings

The Display Column Settings enable you to display only those key fields needed to quickly and easily configure your quote/proposal.

The Display Column Settings page provides a simple interface for selecting fields, making fields editable, applying styles, and reordering them.

To display different number type values as expected, you can add one of the following styles to cart line item fields:


This will prepend the appropriate currency symbol for the org's locale and retain two digits after the decimal place for the field value. You can change the number of digits using the Currency Field Precision in Config System Properties.


This will retain two digits after the decimal place (if present) and append the percentage symbol to the field value. You can change the number of digits using the Percentage Field Precision in Config System Properties.


This will retain two digits after the decimal place (if present). You can change the number of digits using the Quantity Field Precision in Config System Properties.

The following style classes have to be applied in pair to the dynamically selected adjustment column and its value column. i.e., Adjustment Type and Adjustment Amount columns.

  • aptAdjustmentType
  • aptAdjustment

The formatting for the Adjustment Amount field will change dynamically based on the Adjustment Type. This is achieved by applying available style classes to the adjustment based on the value in the pick list of the adjustment type.

Note: For changes to the shopping cart beyond those described here, you would need to create custom pages of the Shopping Cart (CartView and CartFinalize Visualforce pages) and write your own Apex code to further control what fields are displayed and how the page is organized.

Note: In order to use PULL promotions on the Cart, you must follow the procedure mentioned below with Display Type = Apply Promotions.

To customize a display column

  1. Click (All tabs) and click Config Settings.
  2. Click Display Column Settings.
  3. To create or modify columns on one or more of the following, select the view from the Display Type picklist.
    • Cart Line Item
    • Cost Line Item
    • Cart Total Item
    • Installed Product
    • Related Purchases
    • Agreement Price Rule
    • Agreement Price Tier
    • Adjustment Line Item
    • Usage Price Tiers
    • Apply Promotions
    • Option Line Items
    • Price Ramp
    • Tiered Price
    • Related Price
    • Mass Update
    • Mass Edit (Assets)

      Mass Edit (Assets) is an invalid selection for Display Type.

    • Collaboration Parent Line Item
    • Collaboration Child Line Item
    • Line Item Key Metrics
    • Line Item Waterfall
    • Summary Group Key Metrics
    • Summary Group Waterfall
    • Optional Cost and Profitability Fields
    • Cart Summary
    • Asset Termination

      If you add only the Termination Date field, CPQ displays:

      • The Confirm Swap pop-up with the Effective Date field instead of the Confirm Installed Products Swap page during asset swap.
      • The Confirm Termination pop-up with the Termination Date field instead of the Confirm Termination page during asset termination.

      When the Conga Billing package is not installed in your org, it is recommended to display the Confirm Swap or Confirm Termination pop-up. Otherwise, all billing fields will be blank on the Confirm Installed Products Swap or Confirm Termination page.

  4. Select your desired flow from the Flow picklist.
  5. The Sequence column is system-generated and based on your Display Type selection in Step 3, the Display Type column displays the line item name.
  6. In the Field Name column, select a field you want to display as a column.

    You should not add Option as a column as Product and Option columns are identical in the CartDetailView page.

    The supported values are:

    • Termination Date
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • Original Start Date
    • Net Price
    • Billed Through Date
    • Total Billing
    • Invoiced
    • Pending Billing
    • Estimated Credit
    • Asset TCV
    • Current Contract Start Date
    • Current Contract Value
    • Current Contract Billing (Invoiced)
    • Current Asset Billing (Invoiced)
    • Current Contract Pending Billing
    • Current Asset Pending Billing
    • Custom asset line item fields

      You can allow Sales Representatives to edit the custom asset line item field values on the Confirm Termination page instead of waiting to go to the Cart page to edit these values. For example, they may want to capture the reason for terminating assets. However, CPQ does not support text area type of fields. CPQ carries these edited field values from the Confirm Termination page to the Cart page where Sales Representatives can make further changes to those field values, if required. You can select these fields only if you have added the same to the Editable Fields for Cancelled Lines setting. After selecting one of these fields here, if you remove the same field from the Editable Fields for Cancelled Lines setting, CPQ automatically removes that field from Display Column Settings. You must execute the maintenance job. For more information, see Configuring Installed Products Settings.

  7. To make the field name column editable, select Is Editable. Clearing the Is Editable check box, makes the field read-only.
    Note: If you select Display Type as Installed Product, the Is Sortable check box is displayed. To make the field name column sortable, select the Is Sortable check box.
    Note: For Selling Term, and Selling Frequency columns to be editable, apart from selecting the Is Editable check box, ensure that PriceType for the corresponding product is set as either Recurring, Usage, or Included Usage. Additionally, for Selling Frequency, ensure that Allow Proration check box is selected on the price list item.
  8. In the Style column, type values separated with a colon to change the default appearance of a field. Example 1: If you want to resize all the columns in the cart, type width: 30px;text-align:left. Example 2: If a product name is lengthy and is not displayed properly on the shopping cart page, type text-align: left; width: 300px; max-width: 300px; display: block;white-space:0px;. The product name is wrapped and displayed completely on the cart page.
  9. In the Style Class column, type one of the following to change the way dynamic columns are displayed:
    • aptCurrency
    • aptQuantity
    • aptPercentage
    • aptAdjustmentType
    • aptAdjustment
    Note: These style classes apply two decimal points to the fields accordingly. You can change the number of decimal places from Config Settings > System Properties using the Currency Field Precision, Percentage Field Precision, and Quantity Field Precision.
  10. In the Header Style column, type values separated with a colon to change the default appearance of the header of a column. For Example: width:200px;
  11. You can also do one or more of the following:
    • To add or delete a row, use the and icons.
    • To re-order the rows, use the and icons.
  12. Click Save.

The columns are displayed as configured in the Display Columns Settings.