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Configuring Display Actions Settings

The Display Action Settings page provides an interface for selecting actions, applying styles, and reordering them. You can even create and use your own custom action.

In order to create custom actions, you must first create a custom label.

To create a custom label

  1. Go to Setup > Create > Custom Labels and click New Custom Label.
  2. Type a mandatory Short Description and type a mandatory Name.
  3. In Categories, type comma-separated values that can be used in filter criteria when creating custom label list views. For example Pages, Label, Components, and more.
  4. In Value, type mandatory text in the form of a brief description or copy and paste the field name from Step 1.
  5. Click Save.

A custom label is created and saved.

To change a custom label

  1. Go to Setup > Create > Custom Labels and search for Change” label with Installed Products Change Action as the short description.
  2. Click the Change label. The system displays the Custom Label Detail page.
  3. Click the button, New Local Translations/Overrides in the Local Translations/Overrides section. The system displays the New Translation page.
  4. Select the appropriate language from the drop-down.
  5. Enter the Translation Text as an Add-on in the text box.
  6. Click Save.

The custom label is changed.

To customize display actions

If you want to create and use custom actions, you must have an existing custom label for the action.

  1. Click (All tabs) and click Config Settings.
  2. Click Display Action Settings.
  3. From Display Type, select the page where you want to place the custom action.
  4. From the Flow drop-down, select the flow you want to configure.
  5. The Sequence column is system-generated and based on your Display Type selection in Step 3, the Display Type column displays the line item name. The Action and Action Label Name display the default actions.
  6. You can create a custom Action button, where the Action column name is CustomAction <number> and in Action Label Name column, type the field name of the custom label you created. For example: Action = CustomAction1 and Action Label Name = Edit_Quote.
  7. From the Display As column, select one of the following:




    Select this to set the action as an action button


    Select this to set the action as Task menu item in the Status bar.

    Action and Task

    Select this to set the action as both an action button and a Task menu item.

    Sidebar Action

    Select this to set the action as an action button on the sidebar of the Configuration page. You can define a maximum of 3 actions in the sidebar. Only the first 3 sidebar actions in the list are valid, CPQ does not display the remaining sidebar actions on the Configuration page at all.

    Nav Link

    Select this to set the action as a hyperlink in the Navigation bar.


    Select this to set the action as a Help menu icon.

    For the new UI, the behavior is as follows:

    Display As



    Listed as a primary button. Depending on the sequence that you have defined, only one button is placed on the top and the rest of the buttons are placed in the drop-down list.


    Listed as a secondary button. A maximum of 4 secondary buttons are allowed on any page.

    For example, on the catalog page displayed below, Go to Pricing, Installed Products, Save, and Compare Products have Display As = Task, whereas Abandon, Update Price, Quick Save and Finalize have Display As = Action.

  8. From the Action Area column, select one of the followings to position the action:




    Select this for center alignment of the button


    Select this for left alignment of the button


    Select this for right alignment of the button


    Select this to add the button as an item under the More action button


    Note that the alignment settings are not applicable for Nova and Grid UI.

  9. In the Action Style Class column, type one of the following available style class name for the action.




    Type this to display the button in the drop-down menu with a white background and black font color. This also indicates the step that an end-user is on.


    Type this to display an arrow pointing left on the button.


    Type this to display an arrow pointing right on the button.


    If you want to use your own style, create a CSS file including all of the custom styles you want in the shopping cart and upload it as a static resource. Type the name of the CSS file in Config Settings > System Properties > CSS Override. This enables you to use the styles defined in the CSS file as opposed to out-of-the-box styles.

  10. In the Action Page column, in Action Page, type the custom Visualforce page name and in Action Params, type the parameter that you want to pass for your custom page. For example: {!Apttus_QPProposal__ProposalID__c.ID} If you leave the Action Params field blank, by default, the system includes the ID, Business Object ID, and Config Request ID as the dynamic parameter. Example URL: .....CustomVFPage?id=a1Oe00000018DLUEA2&retId=a0ee0000003GUCfAAO&businessObjectId=a0ee0000003GUCfAAO&configRequestId=a1ie0000000kbjTAAQ
  11. From the Behavior column, to specify the action page behavior, select one of the following:
    • To open within the same window, select Self.
    • To open in a new window, select New Window.
    • To open in a dialog, select Dialog Window.
  12. From the Action Type column, select one of the following:
    • To redirect to another page using the custom button and not show the spinner, select Quick Redirect. This option ignores the unsaved changes made by the customer before clicking the custom button.
    • The other options, such as Save, Quick Save, Submit for Approval, and Generate perform the same function as the out-of-the-box action buttons.
  13. To enable or disable actions, select or clear the Is Enabled check box.
  14. To enable permanent display of the action irrespective of the setting in Step 12, select Always Display check box.


    Display Action

    Is Enabled = True and Always Display = True

    Action is displayed.

    Is Enabled = False and Always Display = True

    Action is displayed but inactive. You cannot click the action.

  15. Click Save to save the changes you made on this page.

The action is added to the list of actions to be displayed on the Visualforce pages. At any given time, if you want to disable the custom action, go to the Display Action Settings page and clear the Is Enabled check box.

Use Case

You can configure action buttons displayed on the Summary panel on the Configuration page. You can add a maximum of 3 buttons on the Summary panel. If you configure more than 3 buttons, only the first 3 buttons are displayed on the Summary panel. The following action buttons are displayed on the Summary panel by default:

  • Go to Pricing
  • Update Price
  • Validate

To configure action buttons on the Summary panel on the Configuration page

  1. Go to All Tabs > Config Settings > Display Action Settings.
  2. From the Display Type drop-down, select Attribute Page.

    You can select Display Type as Bundle Page to configure actions on the sidebar for bundle page in case of sub-bundles.

  3. From the Flow drop-down, select the flow you want to configure.
  4. Find the buttons you want to display on the Summary panel and define the following fields as described:



    Display As

    Sidebar Action

    Action Area


  5. Select the following checkboxes:
    • Is Enabled
    • Always Display
  6. Click Save.

To hide default action buttons on the Configuration page

  1. Go to All Tabs > Config Settings > Display Action Settings.
  2. From the Display Type drop-down, select Attribute Page.
  3. From the Flow drop-down, select the flow you want to configure
  4. Find the buttons you want to hide and clear the following checkboxes:
    • Is Enabled
    • Always Display
  5. Click Save.