Apart from the Terminate action, following are the scenarios when the status of the asset line item changes to Cancelled:
- While using Change action, if you deselect an Option product (inside a Bundle product) and finalize the Cart containing this Bundle Product, the status of the asset line item for Bundle product will show as Amended and that for the Option product will show as Cancelled.
- While using Swap action, if you replace a product with another product, the status of the asset line item for the former will show as Cancelled.
To check the status of your assets, the Approval Stage of the Quote/Proposal must be Accepted. To view the assets, select the account of the proposal and navigate to Asset Line Items (Sold To) related list.
A new entry is also made in the Asset Transaction History related list. For more information, see Asset Transaction History.
Following is a scenario when Asset Line Item goes into Pending Cancellation State:
During any asset-based operation such as Terminate, Swap, Change Configuration, Merge, the original asset goes to the Cancelled state and Upgraded state in the cart line item based on the operation performed.After finalization, when you change the Quote from Approval stage to Presented and Accepted, you have created an order in Pending status if Auto Activate Order and/or Create Asset On Order Activation is False on the Quote. In this case, the asset line items are also in Pending Cancellation status.When you Activate the Order, the asset line items in Pending cancellation status are canceled.