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Configuring Config Page Settings

This page lists all the custom settings you may require to set up the options page. You can enter details in one or more of the following sections, based on your organizations' requirement.
  1. On App Menu, click Conga CPQ Admin and then click the CPQ Admin tab. The new admin console is launched.
  2. Click the more icon () on the top-right corner and select Application Management.
  3. Click Config Page.
  4. Configure the following details.




Exclude Optional Products

Select this to exclude optional products when CPQ evaluated the bundle's structural requirements. When you enable this setting, CPQ excludes the optional products from the option group Min/Max criteria.

Hide Disabled Options

Hide the options that have been disabled by the exclusion rules. Such options will not be shown in the list of available options. Also, if all such disable options are under one option group, this group is also hidden on the configuration page.

Listed Options Column 2

Type the API name of the product field to display in the listed options section.

Show Option Quantity

Displays the Quantity in the body of the options pages. This setting controls the SelectConfigOptionsDetailView and ConfigureBundle page.

Disable Add To Cart for Option Products

Hides the Add To Cart and Configure buttons on the Catalog page for an option product.

This is helpful to prevent your sales representative from selling an option product without its bundle product.

Show Bundle Detail

Shows the bundle details in the options page.

Hide Price Column

Disables the price column from the options page.

Listed Options Column 3

Type the API name of the product field to display in the listed options section.

Collapse All Leaf Option Groups

Collapses all the leaf option groups in the Config Options Detail View page.

Show Tab View

Displays option groups as tabs instead of sections in the options page. You can enable the Show Tab View setting at a product level also. Select the check box on the product details page.

Bundle Description Field

Type the field names from the product object to be displayed as bundle description.

Enable Option Page Search

Select this setting to allow option search on the bundle configuration page.

This setting enables a search bar on the Bundle Configuration page. The setting allows the user to search for options, attributes, and sub-bundles on the Configuration page.

Max Inline Option Attributes

Specify the maximum number of inline option attributes to be displayed in the attribute group. The default value is 3.



Select the flow you want to configure.
  • Display As:
  • Action Area:
  • Action Style Class:
  • Always Display:

Display Type

The value of this field is set to Attribute Item. This indicates that you are configuring the actions available on the Attribute page.


The name of the action available on the Attribute page.

Actions Label Name

The label of the corresponding Action action that is displayed on the Attribute page

Display As

Select one of the following values:

  • Action: Select this to set the action as an action button
  • Sidebar Action: Select this to set the action as an action button on the sidebar of the Configuration page. You can define a maximum of 3 actions in the sidebar. Only the first 3 sidebar actions in the list are valid, CPQ does not display the remaining sidebar actions on the Configuration page at all.
  • Task: Select this to set the action as Task menu item in the Status bar.

Action Area

Select one of the following values to define the alignment of the buttons on the Attribute page:

  • Center - For center alignment
  • Left - For left alignment
  • Right - For right alignment
  • More - To add as an item under the More action button

Action Style Class

Enter one of the following values:

  • apt-selected-btn: To display the button in the drop-down menu with a white background and black font color. This also indicates the step that an end-user is on.
  • apt-left-btn: To display an arrow pointing left on the button.
  • apt-right-btn: To display an arrow pointing right on the button.

Is Enabled

Select this to enable the button.

Always Display

Select this to display the button on the Attribute page. The button is displayed even if you disabled the buttong using Is Enabled checkbox.