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Terminating an Agreement

  • The administrator has granted the user permission to terminate an agreement.
  • Ensure that the original agreement's status category and status are In Effect and Activated respectively.

You can use the terminate action to end an agreement.

An administrator can:

  • Add the default status categories to the APTS_StatusCategoriesToInclude admin entry to allow updating the status of an amended or renewed child or related agreement to Terminated.
  • Add custom status categories that must be blocked from being updated for a child or related agreement to the APTS_StatusCategoriesToExclude admin entry.
To terminate an agreement
  1. Navigate to the Agreements tab and select an existing agreement record.
  2. Click the Terminate and review the information it presents. Click Continue.
  3. Click Save.
  • The agreement record is terminated.
  • The values in the status category and status fields are updated to Terminated.
  • Conga CLM emails an agreement termination notification to the primary contact.