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Renewing an Agreement

  • The administrator has granted the user permission to renew an agreement.
  • Ensure that the original agreement's status category and status are In Effect and Activated respectively.
Towards the end of the contract term, you may want to renew the agreement. When you renew an agreement, the Renew action creates a new agreement, which is executed after updating the agreement terms. You can identify agreement renewal candidates, allowing plenty of time to act and create new agreement drafts based on the previous agreement.
  • The subsequent life cycle of the new agreement record follows the standard procedure for a renewed agreement.
  • When the renewed agreement is activated, the status category is updated to In Effect and the status changes to Activated. An email notification regarding the agreement renewal is sent to the agreement manager and the primary contact. The original agreement status category updates to Renewed, and the status updates to Superseded.
To renew an agreement
  1. Navigate to the Agreements tab and select an existing agreement record.
  2. Click Renew and review the information it presents. Click Continue.
  3. Click Save.
  • The new agreement record is created and shares the same base agreement number as the original with the incremented decimal point. The new agreement is assigned a name as per the configurations in APTS_AgreementName_Default and APTS_AgreementName_Renew admin entries.
  • The data and notes of the original agreement are copied to the new agreement.
  • The new agreement's status category and status are updated to Request and In Renewal. The original agreement's status category remains In Effect and the status changes to Being Renewed.
  • The renewed agreement's start date is set to the day after the original agreement's end date, and the renewed agreement's end date is calculated based on its specified duration from the new start date.