Conga Product Documentation

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Adding Links

You can add clickable hyperlinks or e-mail addresses to your documents by following these steps:

  1. Place your cursor inside the content editor where you would like to place the link.
  2. Click Insert in the Menu Bar.
  3. Click Insert Link.
  4. In the pop-up window, fill out these fields:
    • URL: Type or paste the URL of the website or an email address.
    • Text to display: Type the text you wish to display as a link in the document.
    • Title: A title will appear when the link is hovered over on some browsers.
    • Target: Choose None, and the link will open the website in the tab you are currently in; Choose New Window, and the link will open in a new window outside of the tab you are currently in.
    • Class: Choose no class or enable iLightBox, which allows the viewer to see full-size images without leaving the document.