How to Use Saved Folders in Conga Collaborate
Conga Collaborate allows you to use and create saved folders with filters so that you can quickly locate your content in the document build view.
To access a saved folder
- Open the Document Build View.
- Under the left-hand side content panel, click Saved Folders.
To create a saved folder
- Go to the Content tab.
- Set a filter with your required criteria. For example, you might set a filter that searches for all content tagged with "North America Sales Kickoff".
- Click Save as Folder.
- Enter a name for your folder.
- Click Shared if you want your folder accessible to others in your organization and leave it unchecked if you want the folder private and viewable only to you.
- Click Save.
When you create a shared folder, select filter options that are specific to your content. For example, some of the filter options include the ability to search by type, owner, and tags. We recommend utilizing tags as one of the best ways to easily filter content. When you create tags, avoid generic tags like "Sales Kickoff" and use something more specific to group your content, like "North America Sales Kickoff".
To edit or delete a folder
- Go to the Content tab.
- Click Folders on the left-hand search panel.
- Click the pencil icon to the right of the folder to edit.
- Click on the trash bin icon to the right of the folder to delete.