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Using the account default email feature

As a system administrator, you can create and select an email template to be applied by default when any Conga Collaborate user sends a document to a recipient.

To configure an account-wide default email template

  1. Click Administration on the User Drop Down Menu (your avatar)
  2. On the new page that appears, click the Email Templates button
  3. If you’d like to create a new email template, click the Add button and continue to step 4. If you’d like to choose from the list of existing email templates, skip to step 7
  4. Click the Shared option at the top of the page. This will later allow you to select this as the default template for all users
  5. Fill in the Template Name, Subject and Body fields, using the Insert Variables tool to populate the subject and body if you’d like
  6. Click the Save button
  7. Click the gear icon next to your new shared template, then select the Make Default option on the related drop down menu. In the Type column of the Email Template list, you’ll now see that the template has been updated to “Shared Default”