Conga Product Documentation

Welcome to the new doc site. Some of your old bookmarks will no longer work. Please use the search bar to find your desired topic.


Repository: Document Upload

Documents can be added to the repository at any time and are viewable by all users in Conga Collaborate.

  1. Navigate to the Documents tab
  2. Click More, Upload External Documents
  3. Click Choose file (the current maximum file size limit is 100MB)
  4. A new window will open where you can navigate to the file to add to the repository. Click Open
  5. Click the drop-down titled Metadata Template and select Import.
  6. A new list of metadata attributes will be displayed. Based on the field type, type in text, select from a drop-down menu or enter a date. This step is important because adding the appropriate metadata values here will allow you to search for the document in the future.
  7. Hit Submit to finish the import