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No DocuSign Recipients Defined (Release 7)

Error Message

No DocuSign recipients defined.


This can occur for a few reasons:

  • The master object is an Opportunity and the Opportunity Contact roles do not align (aren't synced) with the DocuSign roles. To resolve edit either the Salesforce or DocuSign roles so they match. Then any contact roles from the Opportunity will be assigned as Recipients on the DocuSign Envelope
  • The &DocuSignR1Id is not set to a valid ID (for example setting it to a Contact's text value rather than the ID)
  • The user doesn't have access to the field used for the Docusign Recipients parameter.

What To Do

  • Ensure a Recipient is defined
  • Ensure the Recipient ID is a valid record
  • Check Field Level Security on the Recipient Object (Lead, Contact, or User)
  • Check Field Level Security on the Master Object
  • Ensure DocuSign for Salesforce is functioning in the org