The ',' character, hexadecimal
This error message results when two parameters that use sequential numbering are included using the same number in a Conga Composer solution that's configured to run in Background Mode (using the &DS7 parameter).
An example of a parameter that uses sequential numbering is the Master Field to Set (&MFTS) parameter because you would begin with &MFTS0 and &MFTSValue0 but can include a second parameter that should be incrementally numbered, &MFTS1 and &MFTSValue1.
The error occurs when the sequentially ordered parameter is mistakenly not sequentially ordered but rather the same number is used more than once (e.g. &MFTS0, &MFTSValue0 and &MFTS0, &MFTSValue0 - both parameter sets using 0 instead of the first using 0 and the second using 1). The error message will only occur when such a Conga Composer solution is configured to run in Background Mode. A sample Composer button URL is included below with the offending Master Field to Set and Background Mode parameters.{!API.Session_ID}&serverUrl={!API.Partner_Server_URL_290}&id={!Opportunity.Id}&Queryid=[ProductsTotal]a05i000000LfoYM&TemplateID=a04i000000GGSj8&CongaEmailTemplateID=a03i000000Gj1Pu&DefaultPDF=1&OFN=Invoice+for{!Opportunity.Account}_{!TODAY()}&MFTS0=Description&MFTSValue0=Awesome+description&MFTS0=Amount
What to Do
To correct this error, edit the sequentially numbered parameters so that they are incrementally numbered (e.g. 0, 1, 2). For example, to fix the above button URL we'd change the second occurrence of &MFTS0 and &MFTSValue0 Master Field to Set parameters to &MFTS1 and &MFTSValue1 instead. You may keep the Background Mode (&DS7) parameter.{!API.Session_ID}&serverUrl={!API.Partner_Server_URL_290}&id={!Opportunity.Id}&Queryid=[ProductsTotal]a05i000000LfoYM&TemplateID=a04i000000GGSj8&CongaEmailTemplateID=a03i000000Gj1Pu&DefaultPDF=1&OFN=Invoice+for{!Opportunity.Account}_{!TODAY()}&MFTS0=Description&MFTSValue0=Awesome+description&MFTS1=Amount&MFTSValue1=10000