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Parameter p3lkid value error

The p3_lkid parameter value contains a character that is not allowed or exceeds the maximum character value length.

The error is a Salesforce error that appears on the Salesforce page rather than the Conga Composer dialog box. The error typically occurs when a problem occurs with the Conga Composer email parameters.

What to Do

  1. Remove any unacceptable characters from the p3_lkid parameter value or reduce the value length of the value and resubmit.
  2. Review the Composer button URL to resolve any of the following issues:
    • &EmailRelatedToId={!Lead.Id} The Salesforce email message generated from a Lead object does not include the “Related To” field, which results in the above “p3_lkid” error.
    • &EmailRelatedToId is set to a name field rather than an ID field.
    • You specified the same object ID in both &EmailToId and &EmailRelatedToId. For example:
      • &EmailToId={!Contact.Id}
      • &EmailRelatedToId={!Contact.Id}
    • &EmailToId should be used to specify the primary recipient (“To” field on the email message) while &EmailRelatedToId is used to populate merge fields in the email template body from a related object or for activity logging purposes. An example of the correct usage of both parameters would be:
      • &EmailToId={!Contact.Id}
      • &EmailRelatedToId={!Account.Id}
    • You used the &EmailTemplateId and &EmailSubject parameters. Remove &EmailSubject since it is redundant. The email template specified using &EmailTemplateID already includes an email subject.
    • If you use a Custom Object and have not enabled Track Activities, the Conga Button does not allow you to send email. Allow Activities must be enabled for Custom Objects in order to send Emails from Conga.