Creating a Template
Collaborate Templates allow you to create a starting point for your documents and easily maintain them for consistency. An administrator will build a template with pre-loaded content and dynamic behavior that can then be used by Collaborate users over and over again. When users build a document from a template, they can make changes to the content within that document without affecting the template itself.
Templates give Collaborate administrators better control over what content is being created and sent. Setting up content, logic, and permissions on your templates allows users to create documents from those templates, streamlines document assembly, and still allows for editing flexibility by the user.
- Create a new Template.
- Create a template from the Dashboard: click Create. In the dropdown menu, select Template. Give your template a name, select its type, and click Create.
- Create a template from the Templates list: click Create Template. Name your template, select its type, and click Create.
Note: Depending on your Conga Collaborate subscription, you may have Proposal Template, Contract Template, or Presentation Template as template options. Proposal is the recommended document type for the majority of use cases. The Proposal document type works well for any document that does not require use of Conga Collaborate’s online redlining functionality. For example, Order Forms, SOWs, and even MSAs can be built with the Proposal document type. Contract document type is required if you are using Conga Collaborate online redlining.
- Set the Template properties.
- Open the Properties panel.
- Open the Design tab.
- Choose a Theme for your template. A Theme controls the general styling of the document. If you have not yet created a theme, see Getting Started with the Theme Builder.
Note:You can continue to customize other settings in the template's Properties tab. However, the rest of the properties are optional and depend on your use case. See the full list of Template Properties later in this topic to learn more.
- Add Template Content.
- Before you start adding text, tables, or images to your template, break down your existing document into sections and pages. Those sections and pages will drive how you build the Table of Contents in your new template. For more information, see Working from the Document Table of Contents.
- Once you’ve built the Table of Contents, copy and paste content from your Word document into the appropriate pages within the Conga Collaborate template. We have some special tools to help the copy/paste process go more smoothly. For more, see Copy and Paste from Word.
- Use the Conga Collaborate editor to format the content you’ve pasted in or insert images, tables, pages breaks, and more. For more information, see Using the Document Editor.
- (Optional) Add content options
- Embedded PDF Pages: Conga Collaborate content is web-based, meaning you are creating an HTML page when you’re building content. However, Conga Collaborate also supports loading existing PDFs and PDF pages into your documents. This works well if you have a page that is highly styled and will not need to be edited by your users. If you’d like to add a PDF, specific PDF pages, or other files to your template, see Embedding Files into Documents.
- Referenced Content: In some cases, you may want to create a page of content that will be used in several templates. You can avoid re-creating and updating the page in each individual template by creating a master version of the page in the Conga Collaborate Content Library and then adding it to a template as referenced content. To learn more, see Referenced Content.
- Locked Content: If you would like to lock template sections or pages from being edited or removed in documents created off of that template, open the section or page settings by clicking on the gear icon next to the section or page name in the Table of Contents and editing the properties for each.
Note:We recommend allowing your selected Theme to determine the styling of your content. If you find that you are constantly changing styling within the document itself, consider making changes to your Theme instead.
- Add Dynamic Behavior. Once you have started adding content to your template, you can start adding Salesforce variables and logic to drive dynamic behavior
- Open the Content panel, select Variables, and choose the dropdown containing the type of variable you want to insert. When you place your cursor into the document, a "+" will appear next to the variable names. Clicking this will insert the variable. Alternatively, you can type "%variable_name" into the document, and you will be presented with a list of dynamically filtered variables to insert into your content. See Variables for more information.
- Click Insert and then select Conditional Content to create sections of text or content in your documents that will only show based on specific criteria. See Conditional Content for more information.
- Click the gear icon after hovering over a page in your Table of Contents to open Edit Properties. Then click Include Logic to add Page Logic, allowing you to show or hide a page based upon specific criteria. See Conditionally Display Sections and Pages for more information.
- Click Insert and then select Table to build a table that automatically populates with child object data from Salesforce, such as Contracts or Products related to a selected record. See Salesforce: Creating Auto-generated Tables for more information.
- If you want to update Salesforce when this document is signed or other events occur, see Salesforce: Using the Outgoing Data Tool for more information.
- Add Call to Action buttons.
- If this document requires eSignature, or if you would like to allow customers to submit questions, add the Ask a Question button or the Sign button in the top-right of the document. For more information on Call to Action buttons, see Including Call to Action Buttons.
- (Optional) Add Default Taks Options. Using the Tasks panel on a template, you can pre-set tasks that need to be completed when a document is created from the template. Add Tasks : If an action or series of actions need to be completed before the document is published, you can add tasks to your template. These tasks will automatically be assigned to the set task owner when the document is created. See Tasks Overview to learn more.
- (Optional) Add Additional Configuration Options. There are additional template properties that are useful to administrators.
Configuration Option
Enable Access Code
Where to find it: Properties > PrivacyIf you want to require that an access code be entered by any document recipients who view your document via the Public URL, check Enable Access Code under the Privacy tab in the Properties.
Allow PDF Downloads
Where to find it: Properties > OptionsWhile we typically recommend leaving download options unchecked to encourage recipients to view your documents online, enable this option to allow viewers to download the document as a PDF. Your theme will control the styling of the downloaded PDF. If using PDF download, review Optimizing a PDF to configure PDF output.
Enable Coverpage
Where to find it: Properties > Options. If you want to automatically include Conga Collaborate's standard cover page, check “Enable Coverpage”. This page is uneditable.
Signature Page in PDF
Where to find it: Properties > Options. If you want to automatically include a signature page at the end of your PDF document so your document recipient can print and sign the document with a pen, check “Signature Page in PDF”. This signature page is uneditable without the use of custom CSS.
Where to find it: Integrations > Electronic SignatureThis requires enabled DocuSign integration. If you want to use DocuSign eSignature via your integrated DocuSign account, check this box. Review DocuSign: Integrating with Conga Collaborate for instructions on setting up your DocuSign integration
Prevent New Pages & Sections
Where to find it: Properties > Options. If you want to prevent users from adding new sections or pages on generated documents, check Prevent New Pages & Sections.
Enable Print Table of Contents
Where to find it: Properties > Options. Create an auto-generated Table of Contents page in PDF download. Upon checking the box, you'll be presented with more options:- Insert Before Page - choose where in the PDF the ToC page will be inserted
- Start Page Numbering on Page - choose what page to start numbering on
- Sidebar - build the ToC page using the online ToC sections and pages
- Content - build the ToC page using document content headers (H1, H2, H3)
Where to find it: Properties > DetailsUse tags to organize your documents so that they’re easy to find. See Using Tags to Organize Content for more details.
Email Template
Where to find it: Properties > DetailsIf your users will send this document via Conga Collaborate email, consider providing standard email language by connecting an email template. See Using Email Templates for more information.
Set an Expiration Date
Where to find it: Properties > DetailsThe Expires in X Days field allows you to have a document expire a prescribed number of days after a generated document has bee published. After the expiration date passes, the recipient will no longer be able to access the document.
Note: Recipients will not lose access to Accepted documents.
Set Template Privacy
Where to find it: Properties > PrivacyTo control who should have access to view and edit this template, set the template visibility. Refer to Making a Document Public or Private for more details on privacy statuses.
- (Optional) Add Features Available by Request
Add a Custom Signature Block
Where to find it: Properties > Options. If you want to modify the acceptance message that will show for signers and control what information they are asked to submit while signing, add a Custom Signature Block to the template. See Creating a Custom Signature Block for more information.
Set a Template Language
Where to find it: Properties > DetailsSet the Template Langauge to control the translation of standard Conga Collaborate document buttons (ex: the Download Document button will automatically be translated to the set language), as well as to select the currency output for currency fields in a pricing table.
Apply SFDC Variables
Where to find it: Integrations > SalesforceIf you want to “burn in” your Salesforce variables as text upon document creation, check this option. All variables will be automatically added to the document as standard, editable text. Generally, this feature is utilized when users desire the ability to edit auto-generated pricing tables.
Note: When using this feature, users cannot Refresh Variables.
Allow DOCX Downloads
Where to find it: Properties > OptionsWhile we typically recommend leaving download options unchecked to encourage recipients to view your documents online, check this option to allow viewers to download the document as a Microsoft Word document. This feature requires that a configured Word .dotm file be uploaded to your theme. The .dotm file will control the default styling of the Word output file. Review Download to Microsoft Word for more information about creating your .dotm file.
Note: HTML2Word must be enabled.
Share Template with Workgroups
Where to find it: Properties > PrivacyShare your template with the appropriate workgroups so they will have access to use the template. See Managing Workgroups for more information.
Note: Workgroups must be enabled.
Survey Forms
Where to find it: Properties > Formstack. Connect a Formstack Survey Form to capture information from the document creator. This Survey Form data can then be used to populate the document with form submission data. For more information on using a Survey Form with your document, see Formstack: Using a Form in a Document.
- (Optional) Add Additional Document Creation Options
Document Creation Option
Template Mapping and Auto Publishing
CRM Integration settings using an integrated CRM and you would like a template to be automatically selected based upon CRM data, consider setting up Salesforce: Template Mapping. Additionally, if you want users to be presented with a ready-to-send document, turn on Auto-publish to remove the step of manually publishing the document.
Content Library
Where to find it: ContentIf your document creators will need access to additional images, files, text snippets, or pages in order to build their complete document, consider building out your Conga Collaborate Content library so users can easily find the right content at the right time. Create standalone content to be used with this template as needed. For more details, read Adding Content to Your Content Library.
- (Optional) Add Additional Document Recipient Experience Options
Document Recipient Experience Options
Page-by-Page Acceptance
Where to find it: Section and page properties rather than requiring an entire document be accepted, recipients can select specific pages or sections of the document to be accepted with their eSignature. For example, present two order form options and let the recipient choose which one to accept. Only pages that are selected will appear in the Signed PDF. See Setting Up Page-by-Page Acceptance for more information about page-by-page acceptance.
Note: Page-by-Page Acceptance is only compatible with Conga Collaborate eSignature.
Collect Recipient Information Using Forms
Where to find it: Integrations > FormstackPresent forms for recipients to complete before or after signature. For example, collect details about a project team before an SOW is signed, or collect billing information immediately after eSignature. For more information on collecting recipient information in a document, see Formstack: Using a Form in a Document.
- (Optional) Add Advanced CRM Integration Options
Advanced CRM Integration Option
Quote Pages
Where to find it: Salesforce integration settings. If you are utilizing standard Salesforce Quotes and want to dynamically create a page to highlight each Quote on an Opportunity, configure the template to auto-build Quote Pages. See Configuring Quote Pages for more details.
Note: This option is for Salesforce integration only.
Product Pages
Where to find it: Salesforce integration settings. Use Product Pages to create a page for each child record on your launching object. This feature is very similar to Quote Pages but works with any object and child object instead of just Quotes. Refer to Configuring Product Pages for more details.
Note: This option is for Salesforce integration only.
Outgoing Data
Where to find it: CRM integration settings. Configure Outgoing Data rules in your Conga Collaborate CRM Integration Settings page to trigger field updates in your CRM based upon events in Conga Collaborate. For example, configure an Outgoing Data rule to automatically update your Opportunity Stage to Closed Won when the document is accepted. See Outgoing Data Tool for more information on configuring Outgoing Data rules.
Conga can enable your account to allow users to edit template titles for Reference pages. Once this feature is enabled, users can edit the title by clicking on the gear icon on the template page. Contact your account manager to enable this feature.