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Adding Custom Fields to the Content Version Object

To properly view information and navigate to your contract repository from the Content Versions related list on your Agreements, you must add "Agreement" as a custom lookup field to the Content Version object. The following configuration is required for configuring email agreement documents if you have installed the Apttus Content Integration package and if you have not created a lookup field for Agreement object.

  1. Go to Setup > Customize > Salesforce Files > Fields.
  2. Click New in the Custom Fields & Relationships related list.
  3. Choose the type of field to create, and click Next.
  4. For relationship fields, associate an object with the field and click Next.
  5. Enter a field label. The field name is automatically populated based on the field label you enter.

    The field name can contain underscores and alphanumeric characters and must be unique in your organization. It must begin with a letter, not include spaces, not end with an underscore, and not contain two consecutive underscores. Ensure the custom field name is not identical to any standard field name for that object.

  6. Choose the page layout that should display the field as an editable field.

    If you want any custom fields beyond Agreement to map field data from the Agreement record to your content library, you need to configure the optional APTS_ContentConfig Admin object, as detailed in Set Admin Properties.