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Configuring Admin Properties

Several Admin Objects (properties) must be created or modified to identify the type of content to be routed and the default workspace to use for activated agreements.

  1. Go to the Admin tab (click '+' and choose the Admin tab.) Click Go to view all Admin objects (your list will vary depending on which objects have already been created).

  2. Create the following four Admin properties to enable content delivery for your activated agreements. Set values as required:
      • APTS_ContentRepositoryType – Set this property value to "content." The default setting is "document," which routes ALL activated documents to an Apttus folder. Changing this setting tells the system to use content repository settings for routing documents.
      • APTS_ContentRecordTypeName – Set this property value to "Agreements."
      • APTS_DefaultContentWorkspaceName – Set the default workspace name for your content library to "Agreements." This is the default content library that will store all activated agreements that are not routed to other content libraries defined in your Agreement Rules.
      • APTS_UIPageConfig – Set up a UIPage Config for the content repository type. Enter "XML" as the value and the following chunk of XML under Content:<UIPageConfig><UIAction name="publish_document"> <CustomPage> <Name>Apttus__PublishDocument</Name></CustomPage></UIAction><UIAction name="publish_content"><CustomPage><Name>Apttus_Content__PublishContent</Name></CustomPage></UIAction><UIAction name="publish_chatter"><CustomPage> <Name>Apttus__PublishChatter</Name></CustomPage></UIAction></UIPageConfig>
      • APTS_AutoContentSearchable – (Optional) Set this property to "True" to skip the optional step when activating an agreement that allows a user to determine which agreement documents are available for content search. This property is not required but recommended when you are routing content to ensure that all relevant agreement documents make it into the library and are searchable.
      • APTS_ContentConfig – (Optional) Set this property to override the default field mappings used by the Apttus Content Integration package. The default field mapping only maps the Agreement name field to the same field in the Content Version object and is found as a Static Resource in the Contract Management package labeled "ContentConfig" (Go to Setup --> Quick Search --> Static Resources --> ContentConfig to view the static resource).
        1. Copy the XML contents from the ContentConfig static resource into your new Admin Object (APTS_ContentConfig).
        2. Any custom fields you add to the Content Version object and layout (detailed in the next section) which you want to be displayed in Content Version details for any stored agreement document must be mapped as part of this Admin property.For example, if you want the values of the Account and Opportunity for the document's related Agreement automatically added to Content Version details, you would create the Admin Object and code as shown in the following image:

        3. After an agreement document is activated and routed to the proper library, mapped fields will pull data from the document's associated agreement record and be displayed on the Content Version Details page.