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Enabling Salesforce CRM Content

To properly route agreements to your content libraries, you must first enable Salesforce CRM Content in your Salesforce Org. To enable Salesforce CRM content:

  1. Go to Setup > Customize > Salesforce Files > Settings > Salesforce CRM Content or enter "Salesforce CRM" into the Quick Search dialog and select Salesforce CRM Content.

  2. Click Edit on the Salesforce CRM Content page and select Enable Salesforce CRM Content and Autoassign feature licenses to existing and new users.

  3. Click Save.
  4. (Optional) Go to Setup > Customize > Salesforce Files > Settings > Content Deliveries and Public Links.
  5. Click Edit and select Content Deliveries feature can be enabled for users and Public Links can be enabled for users.
  6. Select Choose password defaults option per your requirement.

  7. Users who are activating agreements must also have Salesforce CRM Content enabled. Turn on Salesforce CRM Content for all users who will be activating or managing agreement documents published to your content libraries. Go to Setup > Administer > Manage Users > Users.