Conga Product Documentation

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Configuring the Libraries Tab

You now need to create the content libraries that will hold your documents. You can create as many content libraries as you want. Your initial content library will be the default library for stored agreements when no agreement rules are applied. You can create additional libraries for content routed using agreement rules.

  1. Go to the Libraries tab (click + and click Libraries).
  2. From "My Libraries," click New to launch the New Library Wizard.

  3. Enter the name you want to use for your library (e.g., "Agreements") and a description (e.g., "Repository for activated agreement documents") and click Save and Close.
  4. From "My Libraries," click on the library name.
  5. Click Tagging Rules to edit tagging rules for your library. Click Save to save any changes.

  6. Click Record Types to assign content version record type restrictions to your library.

  7. Choose which record types to restrict to your library. Be sure to add the Record Type you defined in the previous section.
  8. Click Save.