Activating and Deactivating a Creation Template
Once a user with the Creation Templates Admin permission adds a Creation Template, it must be activated for it to be available as a template selection in the Creation Wizard. Conversely, a template can be deactivated to make it temporarily unavailable as a selection in the wizard, which is recommended when the template is being edited.
Activating a Creation Template
- Click the Gear Icon in the Navigation Toolbar, and click the Creation Templates link.
- In the Creation Template Browse screen, locate the template you want to activate. A deactivated template is displayed in gray text.
- Click on the template record to display its Creation Template Edit screen.
- Select the Active? check box.
- Click Save.
Deactivating a Creation Template
A Creation Template can be temporarily deactivated if it needs to be updated. Alternatively, a template can be deleted if it will no longer be used.
- Click the Gear Icon in the Navigation Toolbar, and click the Creation Templates link.
- In the Creation Template Browse screen, locate the template you want to deactivate. An active template is displayed in black text.
- Click on the template record to display its Creation Template Edit screen.
- Clear the Active? check box.
- Click Save.