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Activating and Deactivating a Creation Template

Once a user with the Creation Templates Admin permission adds a Creation Template, it must be activated for it to be available as a template selection in the Creation Wizard. Conversely, a template can be deactivated to make it temporarily unavailable as a selection in the wizard, which is recommended when the template is being edited.

Activating a Creation Template

  1. Click the Gear Icon in the Navigation Toolbar, and click the Creation Templates link.
  2. In the Creation Template Browse screen, locate the template you want to activate. A deactivated template is displayed in gray text.
  3. Click on the template record to display its Creation Template Edit screen.
  4. Select the Active? check box.
  5. Click Save.

Deactivating a Creation Template

A Creation Template can be temporarily deactivated if it needs to be updated. Alternatively, a template can be deleted if it will no longer be used.

  1. Click the Gear Icon in the Navigation Toolbar, and click the Creation Templates link.
  2. In the Creation Template Browse screen, locate the template you want to deactivate. An active template is displayed in black text.
  3. Click on the template record to display its Creation Template Edit screen.
  4. Clear the Active? check box.
  5. Click Save.