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Comparing Document Revisions in a Creation Template

A user with the Creation Template Admin permission can view a list of all the revisions, as well as the original MS Word document used to develop the creation template. The Creation Template Admin can also run a comparison between document revisions to quickly identify the differences and download any of the documents if further revisions are necessary.

  1. Click the Gear Icon in the Navigation Toolbar, and click the Creation Templates link.
  2. In the Creation Template Browse screen, locate the template containing the document revisions you want to compare.
  3. Click on the template record to display its Creation Template Edit screen.
  4. Click View Documents in the toolbar.
  5. In the Creation Template Documents window, click Compare Revisions.
  6. When the screen refreshes, select the check boxes for the two versions of the document you want to compare, and click Compare.
  7. In the Preview screen, review the differences between the two documents.
    • Added information displays in red text that is underlined.
    • Deleted information displays in red strikethrough text.
  8. (Optional) Use the icons in the toolbar to perform tasks, such as printing, downloading, searching, and opening the document in MS Word.