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Adding Restrictions for a Creation Template

Restrictions are added to a Creation Template to ensure the template is available as a selection only when the Creation Wizard is run from a Contract Profile whose Agreement Type, Contract Type, and/or Contract Group match the restrictions identified in the template.

If no restrictions are set, the Creation Template will be available for creating all types of contracts. Restrictions should always be set to ensure a Creation Template is used properly.

Restrictions are added after a user with the Creation Template Admin permission formats their company's contract so that it can be used as a template in the Creation Wizard, creates questions/actions to customize a contract by removing sections, and maps the merge fields in the formatted document system fields, additional form fields, and clauses stored in the Clause Library.

  1. In the Creation Template Edit screen, click the Restrictions tab.
  2. Click in the Contract Group field to activate the list, and select all the contract groups that can use the template when a user runs the Creation Wizard. More than one selection can be made in all field lists by simply clicking on another contract group, agreement type, or contract type.
  3. Click in the Agreement Type field to activate the list, and select all the agreement types that can use the template.
  4. Click in the Contract Type field to activate the list, and select the check boxes for all the contract types that can use the template.
  5. Click the Creation Template Fields tab to return to the default view.
    • If the Creation Template is complete, ensure the Active? check box is selected to make the template available as a selection in the Creation Wizard.
  6. Click Save.