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Adding a Creation Template

Adding a creation template involves (1) formatting a company's standard contract in MS Word by inserting merge fields at the locations where variable information appears in the document (2) uploading the document and mapping the variable fields to Contract and Company Profile fields, additional forms, and clauses (3) adding questions/actions and identifying restrictions for using the template, and (4) activating the template.

A user with the Creation Template Admin permission adds a creation template using a four-step process:

  1. Format the MS Word document so that it can be used as a template by Contracts
    • Use the Standard Numbering or Multi-level Numbering feature in MS Word to number the sections (or paragraphs) of your contract.
    • Include all optional sections of the contract. Sections will be removed, as needed, when Administrators add questions and define actions based on user responses to the questions. If your company's contract does not include any optional sections or paragraphs, you do not have to number the paragraphs in your contract using Word's Standard Numbering or Multi-level Numbering feature. However, it is recommended that you apply the same style to all the paragraphs in your document to ensure the font type and size are consistent after the contract is created in Conga Contracts.
    • Insert merge fields for all variables that will be mapped to data fields in a Contracts Contract Profile, Company Profile, Additional Form, or to a Clause in the Clause Library.
  2. Upload the MS Word document to the creation template and map the document merge fields to Conga Contracts fields.
    • Map the variable information (merge fields) in the document to the appropriate data fields in a Contract or Company Profile, as well as any additional fields.
    • Map a document merge field to a field in an additional form linked to the Contract Profile.
    • Map a clause merge field in the document to a clause from the Clause Library.
  3. Identify questions/actions and restrictions for the template.
    • Create the appropriate questions to include/exclude sections of the contract document based on user responses to the questions. However, if your company's contract does not contain any optional sections or paragraphs, you do not need to create any questions.
    • Apply restrictions to identify the agreement types and contract types/groups that can use the creation template to create a contract using the Creation Wizard.
  4. Activate the template in order to make it available as a selection when the Creation Wizard is run.