Editing a Creation Template
A user with the Creation Template Admin permission can edit a creation template by (1) renaming the template or changing its description (2) mapping the merge fields in the uploaded document to different system or additional field in the Contract or Company Profile, or to a different additional form field or clause (3) updating the questions that a user must answer when they run the Creation Wizard, as well as changing the available answers to these questions and revising any actions that Conga Contracts will take based on user's responses, and (4) updating the restrictions by changing the contract groups, contract types, and agreement types that can use the creation template when they run the Creation Wizard.
A creation template can also be edited by uploading a revision to the MS Word document used to create the template. If there are several revisions to the document used in the creation template, it is recommended that you view and compare the document revisions that have already been uploaded to the template.