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Category: Automation-Background Mode Parameter

Compatible with: Composer 8

Parameter Name: QMode

Parameter Value: [value]

Parameter Requirements: None

Parameter Description: Parameters for Conga Batch and Conga Trigger. The QMode parameter is required when working with Conga Batch or Conga Trigger solutions.

If you use the QMode parameter to distribute documents (such as email or eSignature) and you also want to save copies of the document, ensure the SC1 parameter is used in conjunction with QMode.



QMode Parameter Values for Release 8

QMode Value



Attaches the merged output files to the Master Object records


Downloads the merged output files to the internet browser.

This parameter value is available only to Conga Batch. There is no download option available in Conga Trigger.

Recommended: &ContentWorkspaceId=[Workspace ID] to specify the Content Workspace (Library) where Conga Batch will store the merged output file if the Conga Batch solution is configured to run on a schedule. Without this parameter, the merged output file from a scheduled Conga Batch solution configured to download will be stored in the running user’s personal Salesforce Content Workspace (Library).

If either the &DefaultPDF=1 or &FP0=1 parameter is not included in the Conga Batch formula field, the merged output files will be consolidated into a .zip file. However, if one of these PDF output parameters is included in the formula field, the merged output file will be a consolidated PDF.


Emails the output file.


&TemplateID unless using only a Conga Email Template (&CongaEmailTemplateID) and no document template.

&EmailTemplateId=[Saleforce Email Template ID] or &CongaEmailTemplateID=[Conga Email Template ID]

&EmailToId=[Salesforce Contact ID] or &ContactId=[Salesforce Contact Id]

If you cannot use the &EmailToId or &ContactId parameters to specify an email recipient by their Contact Id, you can instead specify &EmailAdditionalTo=[email address] and &EmailSubject=[subject text].


Posts the merged output file in the Salesforce Chatter feed.

By default, Conga Trigger posts files to the Master Object record feed. To override this behavior and post a file to another record’s feed, a Chatter Group or a specific User’s feed, use &AttachmentParentID.


Attaches the merged output files to the running user’s personal Workspace (Library) in Salesforce Content.

Recommended: &ContentWorkspaceId=[Salesforce Content Workspace ID] to specify an alternate Content Workspace (Library).

Does not permit saving additional attachments outside of the initial document created in your Content Workspace (for example, cannot save a copy to Attachments or Chatter in addition to your Content Workspace).

Use this method if you are scheduling a content deliver.


Attaches the merged output files to a folder on the Documents tab.

Requires: &DocFolderId=[Salesforce Documents Folder ID]

Does not permit saving additional attachments outside of the initial document created in your Document folder (i.e. cannot save a copy to Attachments or Chatter in addition to your Document folder).


Sends the merged output files via DocuSign (one DocuSign Envelope per Master Object record). Requires:
  • &DocuSignEndPoint= [See DocuSignEndpoint for relevant values]
  • &DocuSignR1ID=[Salesforce Contact, Lead, or User ID]
  • &DocuSignR1Role= [See DocuSignR1Role for relevant values]
  • &DocuSignR1Type= [See DocuSignR1Type for relevant values]
  • DocuSign Credentials on the USER record
  • The user's email address on their User record in Salesforce must match the user's email address in DocuSign.

There are many combinations of possible DocuSign parameters. Please see DocuSign Integration Parameters for more information.


Sends the merged output files via Adobe eSign (one Adobe eSign Agreement per Master Object record). For more information, see Adobe eSign Integration Parameters.


Merges the output files and attaches each to an Adobe eSign Agreement but does not automatically send those Agreements.


Saves the merged output files in Google Drive.

Requires the Google Refresh Token on Conga Batch Setup tab.

Use &OFP to specify in which folder the merged output files are to be saved.

Remove &SC0=1 and &SC1=Google from the Conga Batch formula field to prevent the storage of duplicate copies of the merged output file in Google Drive.


Converts the merged output files to Google Documents, Spreadsheets, or Slides, which are saved in Google Drive.

Requires Google Refresh Token on Conga Trigger Setup tab.

Recommended: &OFP to specify in which folder the merged output files are to be saved.


Sends the merged output files to Salesforce Files for the Master Object.

The &SC0=1 and &SC1=SalesforceFile parameters are required in the URL for this QMode.


Sends the merged output files via Sertifi. The browser page refreshes and lands on the Sertifi EContract. There are many combinations of possible Sertifi parameters. For more information, see Sertifi Integration Parameters.


Saves the merged output files in a SpringCM folder, as defined by the SpringCM configuration rules.


Sends the output documents to Box.


Sends the output documents to the user's OneDrive repository.


Sends the output documents to Conga Sign for Salesforce.

&QMode=CongaSignWebSends the output documents to Conga Sign on the Conga Advantage Platform.


Sends the output documents for negotiation using Conga Contracts for Salesforce's Send for Negotiation email service.


Sends the output documents to AmazonS3


Allows you to send the composer-generated link via a unique URL in a Conga Email Template with Trigger or Batch.


  • Composer File Storage enabled in Composer Setup.
  • &CongaEmailTemplateID to designate a specific Conga Email Template
  • The {Conga_Doc_Link} merge tag to successfully generate the document link in the email.
  • &TemplateID unless using only a Conga Email Template and no document template.
  • &EmailToId=[Salesforce Contact ID] or &ContactId=[Salesforce Contact Id]

Use the NETId parameter to send Notification Emails with Composer Link Service.


Allows you to generate a unique URL for the Composer generated document and adds that link to the document history record. For more details, refer to Document History and Document History Detail Objects.

QMode parameter values for Release 7




Download the output file to your computer.

(One of the following parameters should be used with QMode=1: LG3=1 OR LG4=1.) (default)


Attaches the merged output to the master object.

LG4=1 is the only Activity Logging parameter needed when using QMode=2.

Analogous to Qmode=Attachments


Emails the output file.

Requires &TemplateId

For an Opportunity with a Primary Contact (Contact Roles), there is no need to set the &EmailToId. Also, if you use &EmailTemplateId, you must specify the &EmailToId.


Delivers the output via Adobe eSign. Requires Adobe eSign parameters.


Attaches the output file to a folder on the Documents tab.

QMode=5 saves the output to the specified location only. You cannot attach the document to other locations such as Chatter or Notes and Attachments.


Attaches the output file to a workspace in Salesforce Content.

QMode=6 saves the output to the specified location only. You cannot attach the document to other locations such as Chatter or Notes and Attachments.


Delivers the output via DocuSign. Requires DocuSign parameters.


Creates an Adobe eSign Agreement but does not automatically deliver it. Requires Adobe eSign parameters.