Activity Logging Parameters
The following parameters affect the Log Activity Options of the dialog box.
For more information about parameters in general and how to use them, see Adding Parameters to a Solution, A Few Rules About Parameters, and How Parameters are Formatted.
- AC0 enables automatic activity logging.
- AC1 sets the activity logging subject.
- AC2 saves the text of a Word document into the body of the activity.
- AC3 sets a task follow-up date.
- AC5 saves HTML email markup to an Activity related list on the Salesforce Object without the need to send an outbound email.
- AttachmentParentID specifies a record in Salesforce that will contain the output file.
- DocFolderId specifies the Salesforce Documents folder in which the merged output file is stored.
- DS3 enables or disables the Activity Logging area.
- EmailRecordLog specifies where to record Email Sent Activity Logging after merging.
- LG0 determines whether to store the text of the document (post-merge) to the body of the Task.
- LG1 sets the Subject to the text specified.
- LG2 sets the follow-up date by using the integer to add days to today’s date.
- LG3 sets the file attachment options.
- LG4 specifies whether to automatically log an activity after merging.
- LG5 sets the Assigned To field in the activity.
- LG6 sets the Assigned To field in the follow-up activity.
- LG7 sets the Activity Subject in the follow-up activity.
- LGAttachOption sets the Salesforce object to which attachments generated during Activity Logging are stored.
- LGParentID overrides the default record on which the task is created.
- LGWhoID specifies the WhoID.
- MFTS0 the API Field Name of the field to be set as part of the activity logging.
- MFTS1 the API Field Name of the field to be set as part of the activity logging.
- MFTS2 the API Field Name of the field to be set as part of the activity logging.
- MFTSId0 sets a field on a record other than the master object.
- MFTSId1 sets a field on a record other than the master object.
- MFTSId2 sets a field on a record other than the master object.
- MFTSValue0 specifies a value for a Master Field.
- MFTSValue1 specifies a value for a Master Field.
- MFTSValue2 specifies a value for a Master Field.
- SC0 saves a copy of the merged output file.
- SC1 specifies where to save a copy of the merged output file.
- UF0 updates a defined Master Field to Set field.