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This parameter determines the enable/disable permission for SMS authentication in the Create Transaction UI.

Category: Conga Sign

Compatible with: Composer 8

Parameter Name: CSAuthRequired

Parameter Value: True or False

Parameter Requirements: CSRecipient[1-10], CSRole[1-10], CSLang[1-10], CSAuth[1-10], and CSMobile[1-10]

Parameter Description: CSAuthRequired allows Administrators to control whether their Users can disable SMS Authentication in the Create Transaction UI. When enabled, Senders are unable to change the Authorization Type for a signer to Standard and the Standard option will not be available in the Auth dropdown, and Senders can still modify a signer's phone number by clicking the authentication dropdown and selecting the SMS option.

For more information on SMS authentication with Conga Sign, see SMS Authentication.

Recipients assigned SMS authentication must enter a one-time passcode delivered through SMS, prior to viewing a Conga Sign document. The phone number that recipients receive the passcode to is determined by the CSMobile[1-10]. If the CSMobile[1-10] parameter is not present, the passcode is sent to the phone number on the Mobile field of the recipient's Salesforce (Contact, User, or Lead) record.

