Category: Advanced Control Parameter
Compatible with: Composer 8
Parameter Name: QueryStringField2
Parameter Value: [APIFieldName]
Parameter Description: The QueryStringField2 parameter gives you the ability to add Conga Composer parameters into a separate Salesforce formula field, and then reference that custom field in the merge process.
To reference that custom field in the merge process:
- Creating a custom formula field on the object on which Composer is built.
- Adding Composer parameters to the custom field as a formula, similar to what you do when creating a formula field for Conga Batch.
- Referencing the API Name of the newly created formula field as the value of the QueryStringField parameter in the Composer button URL, as shown above.
See Use Case for Query String Fields for more information.
You can include up to three QueryStringField parameters: QueryStringField, QueryStringField1, and QueryStringField2.
&QueryStringField=CongaSign_recipients__c&QueryStringField1=Custom_field__c &QueryStringField2=Custom_field_two__c