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Category: Activity Logging Parameter

Compatible with: Composer 8

Parameter Name: MFTSValue1

Parameter Value: [text]

Parameter Requirements: UF0 and MFTS1

Parameter Description: MFTSValue1 (Master Field to Set Value) determines the value of the master field to be set.


Do not use with &, %, < or > or other special characters.

Example Usage




Checkbox Usage

When setting a checkbox field with the MFTSValue1 parameter, use TRUE as the MFTSValue:



Using Dates with MFTSValue1

Use TODAY to set the value to today's date.


  • &MFTSValue1={!TEXT(TODAY())}
  • &MFTSValue1=TODAY
  • &MFTSValue1={!Today}

Add days to a date using this syntax:

  • &MFTSValue1={!TEXT(TODAY()+7)

Conga Batch/Trigger Usage

Because Batch and Trigger use a formula field instead of a button URL, the syntax is slightly different:

"&MFTSValue1="+ TEXT( TODAY() )

Date/Time Usage

If updating a date/time field, use this syntax:

  • &MFTSValue1=Now

Ensure you either use literal text strings or Salesforce syntax for formulas. Do not mix the two. For example, either use TODAY (text literal) or use {!TEXT(TODAY())} (Salesforce button formula). Do not mix the two and use TODAY().