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Category: Conga Sign

Compatible with: Composer 8

Parameter Name: CSFirst[1-10]

Parameter Value: [static first name, or a Salesforce merge field]

Parameter Requirements: CSLast[1-10] and CSEmail[1-10]

Parameter Description: CSFirst[1-10] determines a new Conga Sign Recipient's first name in a transaction. Use the CSEmail[1-10], CSFirst[1-10], and CSLast[1-10] parameters (or CSName[1-10]) to create a new Conga Sign Recipient that does not already exist as a Contact, Lead, or User record in Salesforce.


Creating and adding a new Conga Sign Recipient to a transaction does not create a Contact, Lead, or User record in Salesforce. It creates a Conga Sign Recipient (custom object) record specific to that transaction only. New Conga Sign Recipients created with Conga Sign integration parameters cannot be added or re-used in other transactions.

The CSFirst[1-10] parameter value can either be a static value, such as John, or a Salesforce merge field that returns a first name (ex: {!CustomObject.FirstName}).


You must use the CSEmail[1-10] parameter with either the CSFirst[1-10] and CSLast[1-10] parameters, or use it separately with the CSName[1-10] parameter. You cannot use CSFirst[1-10], CSLast[1-10], and CSName[1-10] together to define a new Conga Sign Recipient.

