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Category: Output Parameter

Compatible with: Composer 8

Parameter Name: OFP

Parameter Value: [path]

Parameter Requirements: &GoogleVisible=1 or &SC1=Google or &BoxVisible=1 or &SC1=Box or &BigTinCanVisible=1 or &SC1=BigTinCan or &OneDriveVisible=1 or &eslvisible=1

Warning: As of September 18th 2024, all users leveraging the Google Drive integration will see a duplicative folder with what you have specified in the OFP parameter. This is a one time duplication and it is recommended to consolidate your Google Drive files into the newly created folder.
Parameter Description: OFP (Output File Path) specifies the file path within the file storage system where the merged output files will be saved. Each folder name should be separated by a backslash or forward slash. We recommend using forward slashes because backslashes can cause issues in Salesforce Lightning and Salesforce formulas (see tip below).
  • Box Integration
    • For the Box integration, the file path must be &OFP=RootFolder/Folder+Name/File+Name. Also, avoid using spaces in the Salesforce Opportunity name.
    • The Box OFP parameter is case-sensitive; the value must exactly match the folder definition in Box.
    • Single backslashes work as expected in Conga Composer Button URLs. When used in formulas, single backslashes cause the formula to fail. When converting button URLs to formulas, use a double backslash (\\). In formulas, the backslash is an escape character that specifies that the character that follows should be taken literally.
  • BigTinCan Integration
    • For the Bigtincan integrations, the file path must be &OFP=Channel/Story+Name.
    • There is no need to reference the tab.
    • The OFP parameter must be two segments only. The two segments must represent the channel/story. The channel must be created through the bigtincan hub. The story can be dynamically created.

Parameter Example:

