Category: DocuSign Integration Parameter
Compatible with: Composer 8
Parameter Name: DocuSignBrandName
Parameter Value: [BrandName]
Parameter Requirements: &DS7=17 or &QMode=7 (to enable Automatic DocuSign delivery via the API) and &DocuSignEndpoint.
Parameter Description: DocuSignBrandName specifies the name of the brand (as defined in DocuSign) that a DocuSign Envelope should display in outbound emails.
Ensure that you reference the correct Docusign Endpoint value in the DocuSignEndpoint parameter. Branding will not appear if the wrong DocuSign endpoint is referenced. If branding does not show up with &DocuSignEndpoint=Prod, try using NA2 or NA3 as the parameter value. It is also recommended to contact DocuSign support to obtain the correct endpoint.
Due to evolving integration challenges with Conga and DocuSign, the Conga Support Team is no longer able to recreate full DocuSign functionality in test Salesforce environments. This limits the Conga Support Team's capability to test and achieve desired results for this parameter.
&DS7=17 or &DocuSignEndpoint=Prod or &DocuSignBrandName=Conga