Conga Product Documentation

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Advanced Control Parameter


These Advanced Control Parameters allow you to enable and disable Conga for certain profiles and solutions.

For more information about parameters in general and how to use them, see Adding Parameters to a Solution, A Few Rules About Parameters, and How Parameters are Formatted.


  • AbsoluteReturnPath specifies where to redirect after merging.
  • DC disables the execution of a solution if the contents do not meet the criteria you set.
  • DCL specifies the text to display when disabling Conga execution.
  • EC enables the execution of a Conga solution providing specific criteria is met.
  • ECL specifies the text to display when enabling Conga execution.
  • OCNR specifies whether the Salesforce record is refreshed when Closed is clicked.
  • QueryStringField allows you to reference a Salesforce formula field in the merge process.
  • QueryStringField1 allows you to reference a second Salesforce formula field in the merge process.
  • QueryStringField2 allows you to reference a third Salesforce formula field in the merge process.
  • ReturnPath specifies where to refresh after merging.
  • ContentNetworkID specifies the Network Id for the appropriate community to ensure the file record is created and shared within Salesforce when saving a Salesforce file as a community user.