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Specifies the reminder date and time of expiration for recipients of eSignature.

Category: Conga Sign

Compatible with: Composer 8

Parameter Name: CSExpirationReminder

Parameter Value: [Date/Time]

Parameter Requirements: None

Parameter Description: CSExpirationReminder specifies the reminder date and time of expiration for recipients of eSignature.

The format as yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z for example: &csexpirationreminder=2018-01-22T20:00:01Z.

You can also dynamically set the reminder date using a Salesforce formula field. For example, to set the reminder date thirty days from today's date, use the following syntax in the formula field and then use the formula field's merge field as the value of the csExpiration parameter: TEXT(TODAY()+30) & "T" & TEXT(TIMEVALUE(NOW()+0.04167)) & "Z".

