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Template Group

Parameter Category: Template Selection Parameter

Compatible with: Composer 8

Parameter Name: TemplateGroup

Parameter Value: [value]

Parameter Requirements: Templates must be stored in Conga Template Manager.

Parameter Description: The TemplateGroup parameter filters the list of templates that appear on the Conga Composer interface to those that match the parameter value. May include one or more values, separated by commas.

Example: &TemplateGroup=Invoices,Opportunities


TemplateGroup matches using a "contains", not an exact match. Multiple values containing the same text will all show in the selection screen.

Example: "Data Vendor" and "Data Vendor - Special" will both show in the screen if "Data Vendor" is the value for the TemplateGroup parameter.

The TemplateGroup value must be set on each Conga Template record.



This example would display all templates with a TemplateGroup name that includes Invoices and/or Opportunities. Because the parameter matches using a "contains", this example would also include any templates with a Template Group called "New Customer Invoices", since that name includes the word "Invoices".