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Versioning with Salesforce Files - Specifies the Salesforce ID of the Salesforce File record ID where you want to use Salesforce Files versioning features.

Category: Salesforce Content Integration Parameter

Compatible with: Composer 8

Parameter Name: ContentDocumentID

Parameter Value: [Salesforce ID of the Salesforce File ID]

Parameter Requirments: SC0 and SC1 or DS7=11, 111

Parameter Description: ContentDocumentID specifies the Salesforce ID of the Salesforce File record ID in which you want to use Salesforce Files' versioning features.

Typically, you use a QVar to bring the value of this Salesforce File record ID when a first version is merged already:




And the corresponding SOQL Query is:

SELECT ContentDocumentId

FROM ContentDocumentLink

WHERE LinkedEntityId = '{pv0}'


&SC0=1 or &SC1=SalesforceFile or &ContentDocumentID={QVar0}