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Output Parameters


The Output File Parameters Group lists the parameters that primarily affect the behavior of the merge templates used in a merge operation.


  • AmazonS3Visible enables Amazon S3 as an output option on the Conga Composer user interface,
  • APDF specifies whether multiple PDF documents are consolidated into one.
  • APF specifies whether PowerPoint output files are assembled.
  • AttachmentID specifies that the attachments associated with the Salesforce IDs will be automatically selected.
  • AttachmentParentId specifies the Salesforce record where the output file is attached.
  • AttachmentSourceID specifies the Salesforce ID of an object that allows attachments.
  • AWD specifies whether Word documents are assembled (and if so, how).
  • DefaultPDF sets the default output file type.
  • DisableRowNums disables row numbering for detail datasets.
  • DS7 enables background mode, launching Composer through various output methods without user intervention.
  • FP0 locks the output file format.
  • LiveEditEnable checks the {{LiveEdit}} checkbox by default.
  • LiveEditVisible makes the {{LiveEdit}} check box available in the Conga Composer user interface.
  • MTOFN specifies a file name when using multiple templates or batches.
  • OFN specifies the output file name.
  • PDFA converts the output file to PDFA/1a or PDFA/1b file types
  • PDFVersion specifies the PDF version in which the generated document should be saved.
  • Select Attachments specifies that the Salesforce ID of up to 20 attachments of the master object will be included in an Attachments tab for an end-user to select during the merge process.
  • ZipFiles specifies whether output files are grouped.
  • ZipPDFs specifies that PDF documents generated in the merge process should be zipped (compressed).