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Specifies the record in Salesforce to which the output file is attached, when requested.

Category: Activity Logging Parameter

Compatible with: Composer 8

Parameter Name: AttachmentParentId

Parameter Value: [Salesforce ID of an object that allows attachments]

Parameter Requirements: SC0 and SC1

Parameter Description: AttachmentParentID specifies the record in Salesforce to which the output file is attached when requested.

This parameter also works with Conga Batch ( Qmode=2) to control the behavior of the merge operation’s primary output.


When used with SC1=Chatter, this parameter may be set to a Chatter User ID or Chatter Group Id.


&AttachmentParentID=00361000000u4eh or &AttachmentParentID={!SBQQ__Quote__c.SBQQ__Opportunity2Id__c}