Category: Data Gathering Parameter
Compatible with: Composer 8
Parameter Name: QVar0Id
Parameter Value: [ID or {QVar0}]
Parameter Requirements: The 15-character Salesforce ID of a query record. May optionally include filter criteria.
Parameter Description: QVar, which stands for Querystring Variable, lets you execute a Conga Query and use the result of the query as a value for another Conga Composer parameter. Three QVar ID parameters are available: QVar0Id, QVar1Id, and QVar2Id.
Usage Guidelines:
- Set &QVar0Id to the Salesforce ID of a Conga Query record. Optionally, you may pass filter criteria to the Query.
- The Conga Query must return only one column of data and must not retrieve more than 50 rows of data.
- Multiple rows of data are returned as a comma-separated list.
- Use {QVar0} to insert the QVar0 result into another Conga Composer parameter.
- The resulting values for all QVar variables appear on the Template Builder window.
- The resulting value may be inserted into most Conga Composer parameters, including &ReportId, &QueryId, &TemplateId, &TemplateGroup and the Email parameters.
- Duplicate values are automatically stripped from the resulting data.
- QVars are not recommended for retrieving date values.
- May be used with &MFTSValue parameter.Note: QVars are unable to retrieve Conga Template IDs for a solution using &SelectTemplates.