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Category: Advanced Data Formatting Parameter

Compatible with: Composer 7 and Composer 8

Parameter Name: TPV

Parameter Value: [0 or 1]

Parameter Requirements: None

Parameter Description: TPV (Translate Picklist Values) retrieves translated picklist field values. For organizations where picklist values have been translated via the Translation Workbench, this setting enables Conga Composer to retrieve the translated values.


This parameter does not work with SOQL queries; use toLabel() on the picklist field instead.

Example of SOQL query:

SELECT Payment_Frequency__c, Quantity, UnitPrice 
FROM OpportunityLineItem 
WHERE OpportunityId = '{pv0}' ORDER BY UnitPrice DESC

Example of the query using toLabel():

SELECT toLable(Payment_Frequency__c), Quantity, UnitPrice 
FROM OpportunityLineItem 
WHERE OpportunityId = '{pv0}' ORDER BY UnitPrice DESC




Picklist values are not translated. (default)


Picklist values are translated to the language specified in the Personal Information settings of the user.

