Conga Sign Professional Integration Parameters
Each of these parameters affects the field specified on a Conga Sign Agreement record.
Conga Sign delivers Conga Composer documents through email, much like Salesforce itself, but adds the ability to add, track and file signatures.
Conga Sign allows you to use PDF and Word documents to collect data from your signers, position signature fields in your documents, collect two-party information from both sender and signer and more. You can add Conga Sign-specific form fields to Conga Composer PDF merge templates to enable those features.
Conga Sign is available separately on the AppExchange. You must install the Conga Sign package to use these integration parameters.
For more information about parameters in general and how to use them, see Adding Parameters to a Solution, A Few Rules About Parameters, and How Parameters are Formatted.
Conga Email Templates are not compatible with Composer solutions integrated with Conga Sign.
- CSAbsReturnPath Specifies the URL to redirect to after a merge is completed in Salesforce Community environments.
- CSAuthRequired Controls the ability to Enable/Disable SMS Authentication.
- CSPackageName Sets the name for the transaction record being created. Required for Composer for Salesforce and Conga Sign integration.
- CSVisible Specifies Conga Sign as the delivery and output methods in Composer.
- CSRecipient[1-10] ID can be a Salesforce Contact, User, or Lead.
- CSRequestReminderFrequency specifies the frequency Conga Sign sends reminder emails to recipients.
- CSRole[1-10] Specifies the default Recipient role of Send Final.
- CSEmail[1-10] Specifies Conga Sign Recipient's email address.
- CSFirst[1-10] Specifies Conga Sign Recipient's first name.
- CSLast[1-10] Specifies Conga Sign Recipient's last name.
- CSName[1-10] Specifies Conga Sign Recipient's first and last name.
- CSRoutingType Specifies the routing recipient type and defaults to PARALLEL if not specified.
- CSEmailMessage Sends an email message and defaults to a generic message if not specified.
- CSEmailSubject Specifies the subject line of an email.
- CSExpiration Specifies the date and time for eSignature expiration.
- CSExpirationReminder Specifies an expiration date reminder on an eSignature request.
- CSRequestReminder Specifies a request reminder in the number of days.
- CSReassignAllowed Specifies whether the recipient of a transaction can reassign the signer from the received transaction.
- CSMobile[1-10] Specifies a recipient's mobile number that the SMS authentication passcode is sent to.
- CSAuth[1-10] Specifies the authentication type for a recipient in a Conga Sign Transaction.
- CSLang[1-10] Specifies a recipient's language in a Conga Sign Transaction.
- CScurl[1-10] Specifies the URL that a signer can choose to be taken to after successfully completing the signing.
- CSBusinessUnit Specifies the Business Unit selected for a Conga Sign Transaction.
- DS7 Specifies the send and execute actions for the Conga Sign Transaction in background mode.
- QMode Specifies full automation delivery with Conga Batch or Conga Trigger.
- CSSenderReturnUrl Specifies return URL that the sender is returned to after successfully sending a transaction.
- CSMultiDocs Specifies whether you can send multiple documents to Conga Sign.
- CSsendonbehalfofname Specifies the name of the User a Conga Sign Transaction is being sent on behalf of.
- CSsendonbehalfofemail Specifies the email address of the User a Conga Sign Transaction is being sent on behalf of.