72 Cannot Add a Product
The following error is displayed on the Catalog page or Config page when you add a product:
Error evaluating ABC defaults and/or Numeric Expression. Please check the data to ensure accuracy. Error Message: TypeError: Cannot read property 'FieldType' of undefined . Primary Line Number: 100001 . Target Field: function updateField(dependentObjectId, dependentField) { var hasDependency = false; var lineItemSOId = lineItem.getTxnSO().Id; var attrSOId = lineItem.getTxnSO()[attrReferenceField].Id; // if arguments are undefined, return the fields // which will be modified, or updated by this info. var returnDependentFields = angular.isUndefined(dependentObjectId) && .....................................
This happens when the Enable Field Expressions setting is enabled.
What to do
Perform the following steps to resolve the error:
- Go to
- Click Manage. Edit System Properties.
- Clear the Enable Field Expressions setting.
- Click Save.